People with having high diabetics face memory loss problems, completing familiar task problems, difficulty in determining time or place, difficulty in finding the right words and in making right decisions, misplacing items often, etc. problems. This is a disease remains in the blood and in the urine mainly. The patient can also face increasing thirst and hunger, dry mouth, frequent urination or urine infections, unexplained weight loss, blurred vision, and headaches as well. Also, if the patient gets extra weight, that can cause knee and ankle pain as well. Moreover, for having high diabetics, other injuries or diseases may take long time to solve. Sometimes, diabetics can cause infections too and patients lose their body parts too. This may cause joint pains and back pains as well. This is very important to take diabetes treatment as soon as possible. Through stem cell therapy, diabetes treatment can be done with own cells or through sheep cells, which is any side effects free and more effective. Diabetes treatment through stem cell therapy enable more energy in the human body, also helps to work more, with efficiency and effectiveness. This regenerates energy to the patients and helps them to live a stress-free and energetic life.
Alzheimer’s disease is one kind of brain disorder, which gradually destroys memories and thinking power of a human being. Also, destroys the ability to perform the regular pieces of stuff and most of the time even the simple tasks as well. Among all of the affected people, the most common people of the disease appear in the middle age of 60 and the late. Alzheimer’s is mainly caused by the death of the brain cells. It is a neurons disease, which means there is progressive brain cells death that happens over the time. In a person with Alzheimer’s diseases, the brain tissues have fewer and fewer nerve cells and connections between them, which disable them to work properly and to complete their regular tasks properly as well. An Alzheimer’s patient will face memory loss problems, difficulty in planning and solving problems, difficulty in completing familiar tasks, difficulty in determining time or place, vision loss, difficulty in finding the right words, misplacing items often, difficulty in making decisions, etc. This cannot get the cure, but the condition can be improved by taking proper Alzheimer’s treatment through stem cell therapy. By taking Alzheimer’s treatment, the depending on others of affected people can be less. Sometimes they will get back their lost communication level with people by taking proper Alzheimer’s treatment. The stem cell therapy will also reduce the difficulty in communicating which they faced earlier. It will also, help them to keep their minds fresh and stable, they will have fewer vision problems and communication problems and depending on others problems, which will help them to interact with other peoples as usual and help them to regain their confidence level.
In the both cases of diabetes and Alzheimer the main problem people faces are memory loss and misplacing problem. This can be cured through stem cell therapy, which is totally side effect free and more effective if it they are treated well with Alzheimer’s treatment and diabetes treatment.