Alzheimer is a chronic neurogenic disease. The main reason for this disease is 60-70% of dementia cases and the most common symptom of this disease is hard to remember, there may be some other symptoms as well. Such as memory loss problem, which we can tell that short-term memory loss. Also, influencing people’s language, easily losing, mood changes easily, reducing motivation, not managing them, and many other behavioral problems. This disease usually starts slowly and gets worse over time. Medical treatment cannot stop the progress of Alzheimer’s disease, but Alzheimer’s disease prevention by stem cell therapy can temporarily improve the condition of the person. There are some other risk factors like head injury, depression or high blood pressure. Alzheimer’s disease prevention in stem cell therapy will help to control the mood and personality changes suddenly. As the damaged, people became dependent on others to get help and to maintain their regular works and events. Sometimes they lose their communication layer with humans. With the help of stem cell therapy, Alzheimer’s disease prevention will reduce the problem of communication difficulties as they face them. Also, Alzheimer’s disease prevention will keep the mind fresh and stable, which will help naturally communicate with humans.
Also, sometimes for high diabetes, these things can occur as well. For the high level of diabetes, people may face remembering problem, misplace things and places, also this may cause a memory loss problem and communication problem as well. High diabetes may occur weakness in mussels, double vision, eye problems and sometimes it may take time to cure other injuries for high diabetes. Diabetes can cause many other dangerous diseases such as- heart or kidney problem, nerve and eye damages, and skin and sleep problems and especially this may occur slow healing. So it is important to start the latest diabetes treatment as soon as possible. This will be best with stem cell therapy. The latest diabetes treatment will help to keep diabetes in balance and help to prevent other diseases and will energies more. The latest diabetes treatment with stem cell therapy should include maintaining a healthy diet with regular physical exercise. The latest diabetes treatment will help to keep normal body weight. Also, the patient should control blood pressure and maintain proper foot care is important and Stem cells therapy offers an effective source of replacement cells for the treatment of the diseases and may help to reduce the chances of getting other diseases and death for those who wait for a replacement. That’s why sell stem cells can provide them some benefits to them. Moreover, this will produce insulin that can deal with diabetes and heart disease cells as well, that can repair damage after a heart attack and this latest diabetes treatment may help to prevent other diseases, which may help to live a happy and stress-free life as well provide energy and stamina to work efficiently and effectively.