A medical term is fibromyalgia disease, which is for the missing from chronic pain and stress and response to higher pain for most of the illnesses. Symptoms of this disease may include fatigue, sleep problems, and memory loss problems. Also, some people may experience uncomfortable foot syndrome, bladder problems, flexibility, tide and noise, light or temperature sensitivity. Fibromyalgia is usually associated with depression, anxiety, and later traumatic stress disorder. Some people think this plays a role because it is genetically or sometimes environmental. Or sometimes the condition of the family and many genes are associated with the disease. Also, environmental causes may cause stress, injury, and certain infections. There are no special treatments or tests for this Fibromyalgia Disease. But as well as with the proper fibromyalgia support in stem cell procedure may help to fight with future problems, the condition of the treatment of fibromyalgia support should be improved as soon as possible. (more…)